Worksup Promotional Videos & Website
Worksup is an interactive virtual and hybrid event platform. Today, Worksup has received a new website update, but at the beginning of the year Worksup was able to create a marketing strategy and content for this company. We started by creating videos and photos, writing articles and making the website more meaningful.

Content Creation and Social Media Marketing
We created content that helped customers to make a better use of this platform and get proper information about organising events. Thanks to effective wording and optimisation, Worksup attracted its first customers from the USA, Europe and Africa.
Our Social Media visuals were well-thought-out for different platforms (Instagram, Twitter, YouTube) and just in a few months, we were able to bring thousands of fans, followers and subscribers to these channels.

Product Video and Photos
We also produced exclusive brand videos and a lot of visual material from the events that was later used in the Social Media campaigns.

Worksup was one of our most interesting and long-lasting projects. It was an honor to contribute in the success of an Estonian startup and support their visual and social media marketing front for over a year.